Monday, April 24, 2006



IDF soldiers detained Monday a terrorist planning to carry out a suicide bombing in Israel. The would-be bomber was nabbed near the community of Adam, north of Jerusalem, without his explosive belt, which he was supposed to receive later on. Security officials later told Ynet: "A terror attack on Holocaust Day or the next day was prevented."


Meanwhile, the terrorist was handed over to security authorities for questioning. Throughout the day, many roadblocks were set up in the Binyamin area, around Jerusalem, and on Highway 443 connecting Jerusalem and Modi'in. Every motorist was screened by security officers, leading to heavy traffic jams.  However, the boosted deployment proved itself and the would-be bomber was nabbed.


The terrorist was captured inside a suspicious taxicab north of the capital. Sappers were called in and searched the vehicle but no explosives were found.


On the eve of Holocaust Day, police forces across the country are on high alert for fear terrorist groups are planning attacks. At this time, authorities are dealing with 76 terror warnings, including 20 concrete ones. Most warnings originate in the northern West Bank, with the Islamic Jihad behind most plots.

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