Friday, April 28, 2006


"Judgment Day": Iran's Secret Plan If Attacked by U.S. - Ali Nouri Zadeh (Asharq Al-Awsat-UK)
Eight fundamentalist Islamist organizations have received large sums of money in the last month from the Iranian intelligence services as part of a project to strike Israel, the U.S., and Europe if Iran is attacked, a senior source in the Iranian armed forces revealed. As soon as Iranian nuclear installations are hit, Hizballah is to launch hundreds of rockets against military and economic targets in Israel.

According to the source, if the U.S. military attacks continue, more than 50 Shihab-3 missiles will be targeted against Israel, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' al-Quds Brigades will give the go-ahead for more than 50 terrorist cells in Canada, the U.S., and Europe to attack civil and industrial targets in these countries.

Extremists will seek to maximize civilian casualties by exploding germ and chemical bombs as well as dirty nuclear bombs in Western and Arab cities. The al-Quds Brigades, under Brig.-Gen. Qassim Suleimani, is responsible for coordinating and providing logistical support for the groups taking part in the plan, codenamed al-Qiyamah (Judgment Day).

The source said, "Most of Iran's visitors in the last four months, including the leaders of revolutionary groups in Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon, as well as the heads of Hizballah cells in the Persian Gulf, Europe, and North America, were asked, when they met with Iranian intelligence minister Gholamhossein Mohseni Ezhei and his aides: 'Are you ready to defend the Islamic revolution? If you agree to take part in the great jihad, what would you need to be ready for the great fight?'"

The source also said that the military training camps of the Guards were opened to train fighters of the Mehdi army. Iran had increased its financial assistance to Moqtada al-Sadr to more than $20 million. Islamic Jihad in Palestine has also received large sums of money, large quantities of arms, and military training for its cadres in Isfahan. An estimated 80 members of Lebanese Hizballah underwent training last year on how to carry out suicide operations from the air (through the use of kite planes) and undersea operations.

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