Friday, April 28, 2006


Showing Their Colors (WSJ-BOTW)
Stephen Walt, the Harvard dean and co-author with the University of Chicago's John Mearsheimer of a notorious anti-Israel screed, has finally deigned to grant an interview--to Robert Fisk of London's Independent (it's reprinted on the far-left site).

Not surprisingly, Fisk asks no tough questions, and he doesn't even mention the authors' analysis of Middle Eastern history, which, as we have demonstrated, is anti-Semitic in that it admits only evidence unfavorable to the Jewish side of the argument. (In The New Republic, historian Benny Morris makes the case with far more scholarly detail.)

Blogger David T. notes that the Independent's cover art--shown [below]--depicts an American flag with the stars replaced by Stars of David. The same image, he notes, appeared on a flyer, also shown [below], from International Third Position, "a neo-nazi group founded by Nick Griffin." ( has a somewhat more complicated description of ITP's ideology: "As a variation of national socialism, critics on the left tend to see International Third Position ideology as a form of neofascism, while others see it as displaying characteristics of a left-wing ideology.")

Given that Fisk is quite insistent that it is invidious to raise the issue of anti-Semitism in criticizing Walt and Mearsheimer's work, you'd think his editors would have been more careful about the image they chose to illustrate Fisk's work.

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