Monday, April 24, 2006


Israel: New PA Security Official a "Criminal and Murderer" - Ronny Sofer
Jamal Abu Samhadana, appointed Thursday as director-general of the Palestinian Interior and National Security Ministry, "is a criminal, a murderer hired by Hamas, who should be jailed by Israel at the first opportunity," said former Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) chief Avi Dichter. "The Samhadana family is a known criminal family from Rafah," Dichter said. "With the breakout of the intifada on September 2000, they took advantage of the situation to smuggle weapons from Sinai to Rafah and sell them in the Gaza Strip to the highest bidder. Then they also began carrying out terror attacks, while establishing the organization called the Popular Resistance Committees." (Ynet News)

See also New Hamas Security Chief: "Jews Are Our Enemy" - Jane Flanagan
Jamal Abu Samhadana, appointed chief of the Palestinian security services, revealed to the Telegraph his ambitions for the paramilitary force under his control. "This will be the nucleus of the future Palestinian army," he said. "The resistance must continue." "We have only one enemy. They are Jews. We have no other enemy. I will continue to carry the rifle and pull the trigger whenever required." In recent months, he has directed the continuing barrage of Kassam rockets fired from Gaza into Israel.  Fatah still controls the 60,000-strong Palestinian security forces, which Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas tried to reinforce recently by appointing loyalist Rashid Abu Shabak as security supremo. Hamas responded by appointing Samhadana. (Telegraph-UK)

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