Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Clashes break out as Palestinians kidnap Lebanon soldier.

HALWA, Lebanon (AFP) - Clashes broke out between the Lebanese army and pro-Syrian Palestinian guerrillas near the Syrian border, wounding two people, and a soldier was detained for several hours, police said. The soldier, Khaled Ibrahim, was snatched and then freed by guerrillas of the Damascus-based group Fatah-Intifada, which is founded by a Palestinian militant known as Abu Mussa, they told AFP. Abu Fadi Hammad, the Lebanon representative of Abu Mussa’s group, told AFP one guerrilla was wounded in the clashes and that the detained soldier had been handed back to the army. A senior army official said a soldier was also wounded in the fighting in Wadi al-Asswad village of eastern Lebanon as troops and militants traded fire with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades.

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