Monday, May 15, 2006


Most Wanted Islamic Jihad Terrorist Killed in West Bank
Special IDF units operating in Kabatiya near Jenin on Sunday killed five Palestinians including top Islamic Jihad terrorist Elias Ashkar, behind all of the Islamic Jihad suicide attacks during the past year. The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) revealed Sunday that Ashkar assembled the explosives belt used in the Tel Aviv suicide bombing last month. He planned the Stage nightclub bombing in Tel Aviv, which killed four; two suicide bombings in Netanya, which killed eight; and a suicide bombing in Hadera in October, in which five Israelis were killed. In total, he was accountable for the murder of nearly 40 Israelis, and was in the midst of planning a suicide attack against Israel in the coming weeks. He received funding directly from Islamic Jihad headquarters in Damascus. (Jerusalem Post)

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