Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Report criticizes BBC Mideast coverage
LONDON, May 9 (JTA) — A British Jewish leader is pleased with a report critical of the BBC’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but is withholding final judgment until he sees whether the changes recommended are implemented.

Jon Benjamin, chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, made the comments after the report concluded that the BBC does not give a “full and fair account” of the conflict, leading to “incomplete” and “misleading” coverage, the report found. The report, commissioned by the BBC Governors and carried out by an independent panel, was released last week.

Though it absolves the BBC of “deliberate or systematic bias,” the report highlights several areas where coverage could be improved. Recommendations include providing more historical context and tightening editorial control. The BBC also should focus on issues and events beside dramatic flare-ups, the report found.

A content analysis found that more on-air time is given to Israelis than Palestinians — though that includes Israelis highly critical of Israeli policy. It also found that Israeli fatalities are reported more frequently than are Palestinian deaths, perhaps owing to the dramatic footage that accompanies terrorist attacks against Israelis.

In addition, the BBC was urged not to shy away from the word “terrorist,” but to ensure that it’s fairly and evenly applied.

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