Wednesday, June 28, 2006


IDF searching Ramallah for Asheri (JPost)
The IDF was operating in Ramallah on Wednesday afternoon in efforts to locate 18-year-old Itamar resident Eliyahu Pinchas Asheri, who has been missing since Sunday. Palestinians reported that troops had surrounded a building in the city and arrested three people. They also reported exchange of gunfire between soldiers and terrorists.

The Palestinian Resistance Committees presented first signs of proof Wednesday afternoon that the group was holding Asheri. A spokesman for the group, known as Abu Abir, presented Asheri's identification card at a press conference in Gaza. The card showed Asheri's correct identification number and birth date, leading Israeli authorities to believe the card was authentic.

Palestinians threaten to kill kidnap victim.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - A Palestinian militant group on Wednesday threatened to kill an abducted Jewish settler if Israel doesn’t stop its raid on the Gaza Strip. The Popular Resistance Committees, which has claimed responsibility for abducting both the settler and an Israeli army corporal, said in a statement that “we are running out of patience.”

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