Wednesday, June 21, 2006


"Stop the Killing of Palestinian Children" rally Berkeley, June 20, 2006 (ZombieTime)
"Shortly after the Gaza Beach explosions that killed several Palestinians on June 9, Barbara Lubin of the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA), a radical anti-Israel group, issued a press release calling for a rally on June 20 in downtown Berkeley to "Stop the Killing of Palestinian Children." Seeing as the deadly explosions were swiftly determined to be not Israel's doing and were instead almost certainly caused by the Palestinians themselves, I [Ed. ZombieTime] wondered what the MECA rally was going to focus on. I shouldn't have been surprised to find out that Lubin and the protesters would completely ignore the growing evidence that the incident was yet another exploitative fraudulent propaganda ploy by the Palestinians to blame Israel for their own acts of violence. The whole rally turned out to be just another excuse for the radical left in Berkeley to bash Israel, as usual." Click here for the pictures and full story.

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