Friday, June 23, 2006


Poll: Anti-Jewish sentiment ‘overwhelming’ (JTA)
Anti-Jewish sentiment is nearly universal in Jordan and Egypt, a new survey found.

Some 98 percent of respondents in Jordan and 97 percent in Egypt — two Arab countries that have made peace with Israel — harbored anti-Jewish feelings, while negative feelings about Jews were found to be “overwhelming” in other Muslim countries surveyed as part of the Pew Global Attitudes Project for 2006, The New York Times reported. Other Muslim nations surveyed included Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.

In follow-up interviews, Muslims said the primary cause for poor relations with the Western world is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The survey also found that in Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan and Turkey, the majority of respondents did not believe Arabs had carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

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