Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Presbyterian Compromise Appears to Please Israel Divestment Opponents - Rachel Pomerance
Two years after it angered Jews by passing a resolution calling for divestment from Israel, the Presbyterian Church USA is trying to undo the damage at this year's General Assembly in Birmingham, Ala. (JTA)

See also Presbyterian Church Adopts Compromise Resolution on Israel - Nathan Guttman
The Committee on Peacemaking and International Issues of the Presbyterian Church USA has adopted a compromise resolution replacing a 2004 decision by the church to divest from companies doing business with Israel. The new resolution calls for the church to invest only in "peaceful pursuits" in Israel and Palestine, does not include the word "divestment," and ends the practice of singling out Israel. The committee also added a clause acknowledging that the previous decision "caused hurt and misunderstanding" among the Jewish community. (Jerusalem Post)

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