Thursday, June 22, 2006


The Bleeding Hearts and Artists Make Their Stand (WSJ-BOTW)
"Veteran British rocker Roger Waters, co-creator of the legendary Pink Floyd album The Wall, performed for Israeli fans Thursday after urging Israel to tear down the concrete barrier walling off parts of the West Bank," the Associated Press reports from Jerusalem:

Waters refused to appear at the usual venues for outdoor concerts in Tel Aviv, citing his opposition to Israel's policies toward the Palestinians. He agreed in the end to the field about halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. . . .

On Wednesday, after arriving in Israel, Waters visited a walled section of Israel's West Bank separation barrier running through the Palestinian town of Bethlehem and spray-painted a line from the title song of The Wall--"No thought control"--on the towering concrete blocks.

"It fills me with horror," Waters told reporters at the site. "You can see photographs of something like this, but until you've seen the actual edifice itself and seen what it's doing to these communities. . . . It's hard to comprehend that they could be doing this."

It's fairly easy to comprehend, actually, if you consider that without the wall, one of these days the Palestinians are going to blow the Israelis into little pieces.

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