Thursday, June 29, 2006


Return to Gaza - Gerald M. Steinberg
Hopes that Israel's unprecedented unilateral dismantling of all Israeli military bases, checkpoints, and even civilian houses in Gaza would reduce the violence and promote mutual accommodation were naive. Almost a year after the exit, attacks against Israelis continue to escalate, Palestinian society is in a state of advanced anarchy, and the security pledges from Egypt and Europe, brokered by the U.S., have proven worthless. Even before the murder and kidnapping of Israeli soldiers by Palestinian terrorists, the dozens of rockets raining down on houses and schools in Israel every week had already signaled the approaching end of this unique experiment in conflict reduction.

Israelis also rediscovered the mistake of giving responsibility for their survival to outsiders. The security arrangements negotiated with Egypt and Europe, which accompanied the withdrawal, have all collapsed. An agreement signed with the Egyptians removed Israeli troops from the 13-kilometer border strip between Gaza and Egypt. In parallel, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brokered a separate security arrangement covering the Rafiah border crossing, giving a role to 70 EU "observers." As a result, the smuggling of weapons and terrorists has grown into a torrent. (National Post-Canada)

Israel Back in Gaza - Aluf Benn
The horror scenario of those who objected to the Gaza pullout has come true. Israel discovered that it could not just leave and throw away the key, that the "green line" in Gaza did not deter the Palestinians, and that the Palestinians ignored Israeli threats of harsh retaliation. On Sunday Hamas had crossed the fence and attacked Israel, thereby ending the cease-fire. The attack was not by rogue Hamas members, but by Hamas' military wing, which enjoys the full backing of the "civilian" government. (Ha'aretz)

The Ongoing War Against Reality - Henryk M. Broder (Der Spiegel-Germany)
The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza last summer has more than anything motivated militant Palestinians to demonstrate to Israel that the conflict is not primarily about territory, the end of the occupation, and the return to the 1967 borders. Rather, it's about all or nothing. It's about the control, not the division, of the region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

What's the point of military withdrawal when those Palestinians who want a peaceful resolution are unable to assert themselves - and those Palestinians who want to continue fighting merely feel vindicated and encouraged?

Israel has no other choice but to stand tough because every climb down and withdrawal is interpreted as weakness. Furthermore, the word "compromise" is a foreign word in the Arab world.

A "ceasefire" is the most Hamas is prepared to offer Israel, which the Europeans insist on misinterpreting as the first step towards recognition. Rather, it's merely a tactical pause in the war against Israel.

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