Monday, July 17, 2006


The BBC, as is all too often the case, displays its bias in its Crisis in pictures feature, where Lebanese civilians are "killed" by Israeli air strikes while Israelis simply
"die" as a result of Hezbollah attacks.

The BBC's sympathies were broadcast by Nick Thorpe on BBC Radio and transcribed on to BBC Online where he describes his journey through Israel to Lebanon:

"Driving down Highway 60 - the spine of the superstructure Israel has built on the West Bank - one understands the resentment and the sense of oppression the Palestinians feel. Smart, middle-class Israeli settlements have sprung up on virgin hillsides, watered by springs often diverted from Palestinian villages. Tunnels and fences have been erected by the occupier to keep Palestinians away from Israeli roads, Israeli settlements and Israeli soldiers.

Increasingly confined by barriers and checkpoints into little reservations, it is little wonder that Palestinians applaud Sheikh Nasrallah, the spiritual head of the Hezbollah, when he calls for the release of some of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel."

Comments to BBC Complaints.

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