Monday, July 31, 2006


'Civilian' Families, or Hezbollah Families? (NYSun)
"The U.N. Security Council called Sunday for an end to the violence in Lebanon and deplored Israel's airstrike on a house in the village of Qana which killed 56 people, almost all of them women and children," the AP reports. Strange, no men among these "civilian" families. Confederate Yankee (via Powerline) comments:

It seems increasingly probable that the Shalhoub and Hashem men were likely members of Hezbollah, involved in launching the very rockets at Israel that called in the counter-battery fire that killed their families that were hiding deeper in the building.

It also seems possible that the deaths of the Shalhoub and Hashem women and children came not as a result of the initial Israeli air strike, but because of secondary explosions more than seven hours later, explosions that would seem to be consistent with ammunition and rockets "cooking off."

Blame for any civilian deaths anyway belongs to Hezbollah for placing their fighters and weapons among civilians. Israel also warned civilians in the area in advance to leave their homes. Why they didn't perhaps also indicates ties to Hezbollah.

SEE ALSO: 'Don't Cry To Me About Civilian Casualties' (NYSun)
"Terrorists and their supporters have lost the right to complain about civilian casualties, since all they have done this entire war is target civilians. Every single one of the more than 2,500 rockets launched into Israel is launched into populated towns filled with women and children. Just today, another suicide belt meant to kill civilians in Israel was detonated harmlessly by our forces in Nablus," Naomi Ragen writes in Arutz Sheva.

So, don't cry to me about civilian casualties. Cry to those using your babies and wives and mothers; cry to those who store weapons in mosques, ambulances, hospitals and private homes. Cry to those launching deadly rockets from the backyards of your kindergartens and schools. Cry to the heartless men who love death, and who, however many of their troops or civilians die, consider themselves victorious as long as they can keep on firing rockets at our women and children.

Save your sympathy for the mothers and sisters and girlfriends of our young soldiers who would rather be sitting in study halls learning Torah, but have no choice but to risk their precious lives -- full of hope, goodness and endless potential -- to wipe out the cancerous terrorist cells that threaten their people and all mankind. Make your choice, and save your tears.

That terrorists have been unsuccessful in killing more of our women and children is due to our army, God and our prayers, not to any lack of motivation or intention on their part. If you hide behind your baby to shoot at my baby, you are responsible for getting children killed. You, and you alone.

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