Wednesday, July 19, 2006


French MP Calls for Military Action Against Israel (LGF)
A member of French Parliament has called for military action against Israel; the Dissident Frogman translates the call to arms posted on the web site of MP Jacques Myard: France must act: war on Israel!

War in Lebanon – Has Israel lost her mind ? July 18th, 2006

Multiple direct testimonials from Lebanon are coming from French people residing in South Lebanon, and particularly Tyr, according to which the Israeli army is shooting at first sight on everything that moves, and notably on civilians.

These French saw a helicopter kill a whole family, including the children, by shooting at their minivan on sight and from a few meters afar, as they were fleeing the conflict zone. The church at Rachaya is said to have been destroyed while it was packed with refugees.

According to the same testimonials, the Israeli army would be using fragmentation bombs, and “vacuum packed” bombs that result in destruction by implosion. The bodies then look like totally dislocated puppets, like rag dolls.

That we shall let Israel act in such way is inadmissible. The French government must take every measure, including militarily, in accordance with international laws that allow it, to protect her nationals and put an end on these outrageous attacks against civilians.

On the same occasion, only an international intervention force that would disarm all militias according to resolution 1559 of the Security Council could stabilize the region.

France must act. She can’t simply make do with convincing her allies whose faint-heartedness with respect to this conflict is well known.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, if it were another country, perhaps Israel should take heed. But let's get real, who would be afraid of the French? We all know the old story of the French war rifle for sale, "dropped once, never fired."