Friday, July 21, 2006


Europe's Disproportionate Criticism - Gerald M. Steinberg (WallStreetJournal)
In early 2000, the European Union was an enthusiastic supporter of unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the security zone in southern Lebanon. In detailed talks that took place at the French ambassador's residence in Jaffa, in which I participated as an academic consultant, the Europeans assured us that once Israel retreated, Hizballah would lose its raison d'etre as a "militia" and transform itself into a political party. France and its partners would send peacekeepers to prevent terror and missile attacks against Israel, help the Lebanese army take control of the border, and disarm Hizballah.

In May that year, the Israeli military left Lebanon, but Europe did nothing as, instead of the promised transformation, Hizballah took positions right across Israel's border and prepared for the next round of the war.

Going forcefully after Iran's prodigy in Lebanon sends a powerful message to Tehran. A small war stopped prematurely now may only pave the way for a much larger war later. To view Israel's actions in Beirut and Gaza as "disproportionate" means ignoring the radical Islamic regime in Tehran, which threatens to destroy Israel and is bent on acquiring the weapons to actually carry out its threat.

SEE ALSO: Iranian President Khatami: Chirac Told Us He He Never Called to Disarm Hizbullah (MEMRI)

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