Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The Associated Press reports that Sen. Hillary Clinton offered a rousing defense of the Jewish state at a New York rally yesterday:

"We are here to show solidarity and support for Israel," Senator Clinton told thousands of people who rallied outside the UN offices in New York. "We will stand with Israel, because Israel is standing for American values as well as Israeli ones." . . .

"I want us to imagine if extremist terrorists were launching rockets across the Mexican or Canadian borders," she said. "Would we stand by, or defend ourselves against the extremists?" . . .

"America will support Israel in her efforts to send a message to Hamas, Hezbollah, to the Syrians, to the Iranians--to all who seek death and domination instead of life and freedom--that we will not permit this to happen and we will take whatever steps are necessary," she said.

1 comment:

The Town Crier said...

Hillary Rocked yesterday. This goes with her pefect record on israel in her nearly 6 years in the senate.