Friday, July 21, 2006


Amid Barrage, a Holocaust Heroine Shakes Off Fear - Matthew Kalman
Orna Shorani, 76, was fast asleep last Thursday when a Katyusha rocket fired by Hizballah struck her home. All the windows in the front of her house were smashed, the doors were blown off their hinges, and the roof had a gaping hole. Orna lives in Nahariya, a few miles from the border with Lebanon. Half the town's residents have left, but Orna said she had no intention of leaving. "I lived through the Second World War and all of Israel's wars," she said. "I think I'll survive this one, too."

With her mother and sisters, Orna hid 25 Jews from a Nazi labor camp next to their home in Hungary and smuggled them to safety. One of them, Ladislav Shorani, "came back and married me," Orna recalled. "After the war, we moved to Israel." Orna was later named a "Righteous Among the Nations" for her bravery in rescuing Jews from the Holocaust. (Boston Globe)

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