Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Israel Size Comparison Maps (IRIS)
People commonly perceive Israel to be much larger than it really is. As a result, they fail to understand how difficult and painful it is for Israel to withdraw from land it holds.

The maps listed below compare the map of Israel with maps of other areas drawn to the same scale, to put Israel's size into perspective. In these maps, Israel is portrayed including all land currently under its authority. Still, Israel is small compared with most countries around the world, most states in the U.S. and most other countries in its region.

In all of the maps, Israel is represented in blue and the area it is compared with is represented in yellow. You may be interested in more information about these maps.

Index of Israel Comparison Maps

Middle East
Algeria, The Arab World, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria

France, Great Britain, Italy, Norway

The Americas
Argentina, California, Lake Michigan, Maine, Mexico, United States, Vancouver Island

Australia, India, New Zealand, Taiwan, Vietnam

Also, please see our related border security maps which graphically show Israel's security situation and the dangers of ceding land close to Israel's population centers.

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