Monday, July 31, 2006


Resigning From The Jewish People? (NY Sun)
Today's New York Sun reports that "New York University activists who led a failed campaign to push the institution to divest its investments in Israeli companies are circulating a new Internet petition denouncing 'Israel's aggression,' 'atrocities,' and 'state terrorism' in Lebanon and Gaza."

"The assumption here that it's Hezbollah that began this is ridiculous," one of the NYU professors who added his name, Bertell Ollman, said yesterday ...

He added: "I think Israel is the main cause of growing anti-Semitism in the world
today. I say this as a Jew."

As a Jew? Really? So this "Letter of Resignation from the Jewish People By Bertell Ollman" on NYU's Web site is ...? Ollman wrote:
Did you ever wonder what your last thought would be just before you died or believed you might die? Well, I did, and a few years ago ... I was appalled to finish my life with my umbilical cord still tied to a people with whom I can no longer identify.

But when the opportunity rises to bash Israel, he's conveniently a self-identified Jew again.

HERE'S A LITTLE MORE ON "PROFESSOR" OLLMAN, WHOSE BOOKS INCLUDE, "Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society" AND "Social and Sexual Revolution: Essays on Marx and Reich"

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