Monday, July 31, 2006


148 Rockets Hit Northern Israel on Sunday - Neta Sela
More than 140 rockets were fired Sunday at northern Israel. (Ynet News)

See also 69 Katyusha Victims Treated Sunday
Magen David Adom reported that it treated 69 victims of Katyusha attacks Sunday. (Jerusalem Post)

See also Hizballah Fires Its Deadliest Rocket - Joshua Mitnick
Hizballah launched its deadliest and longest-range rocket near the northern Israeli town of Afula Friday. Israel said the Khaibar-1 rockets were renamed Iranian-made Fajr-5s. They have four times the power and range of Katyusha rockets, or about 50 miles. (Washington Times)

See also Northern Israel Residents Urged to Stay in Shelters
Despite the announcement that the aerial campaign over Lebanon would be halted for 48 hours, the Home Front Command urged northerners to remain in shelters. (Jerusalem Post)

See also 300,000 Israelis Displaced by Fighting - Dina Kraft (New York Times)

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