Wednesday, August 9, 2006


Jewish boy beat up in France (JTA)
French police are holding three young men suspected of attacking a 16-year-old Jewish boy.
According to witnesses, several groups of teenagers were hanging out in a parking lot near the Annecy Lake early in the morning after attending a fireworks show.

Hearing a young girl call her friend “Abraham,” four young men of North African origin allegedly approached, said “You’re Jewish?” and then beat up the boy, kicking him in the stomach and jaw. Abraham, who is of Venezuelan nationality, was taken to the hospital, treated and released.

When interrogated by police, the four young men denied beating Abraham up because he was Jewish. One of the four was released; the other three are being held pending a hearing.

David Gamrasni, president of the local chapter of the Jewish group CRIF, told the journal Liberation that such incidents are common in that part of France. Annecy Lake is about 20 miles south of Geneva.

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