Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Palimony (WSJ-BOTW)
While her husband remains in stable condition after dying at a Paris hospital, Suha Arafat "secretly married Lahasn al-Trabulsi, the brother-in-law of the Tunisian president, a number of days ago, a Tunisian website reported," according to Here's the jaw-dropper, though:

Two years ago, after Arafat's death, Suha was personally promised by Mahmoud Abbas' staff that she would receive USD 22 million a year, on the basis of an agreement Arafat himself sent his wife while on his death bed--USD 11 million to
cover her lifestyle in Paris for half year. Abbas and Palestinian senior figures were forced to come to a deal with Suha, after she "created facts on the ground," in accordance with French law, and prevented PA members from visiting Arafat as he was dying, or to take decisions on disconnecting the life support machine, until she received her promise. PA senior figures concluded it was worth paying her and ending the episode.

Well, we suppose it's better than spending those millions on suicide bombs and anti-Semitic textbooks.

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