Friday, August 25, 2006


Kofi Annan's responses to a Danish newspaper's cartoons of Muhammed and the Iranian government's exhibition of cartoons of Holocaust denial and Jew-hatred are strikingly different.
Kofi, Hate Jews Much? (Atlas Shrugs)


Mr. Annan refrained from issuing a statement condemning an exhibition initiated by Mr. Ahmadinejad in mid-August of cartoons depicting the dispute about the existence of the Holocaust. NY Sun

Mr. Annan was quick to issue a number of condemnatory statements on the publication in a Danish newspaper of cartoons on Islamic terrorism but had no public response to the Tehran exhibition until he was asked about it by The New York Sun.


The New York Sun reports today that Kofi Enema is winging it to the rogue Islamic Republic of Iran and

expects to confer with President Ahmadinejad, the Holocaust denier who has repeatedly made public pleas for the annihilation of a U.N. member state. Mr. Annan's trip will also include a stop in Damascus, Syria, a U.N. spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said. More here

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