Friday, August 11, 2006


Schlussel: Hizballah High (LGF)
Debbie Schlussel continues digging into the Hizballah presence in Dearborn Michigan, where the principal of a high school is a relative of Hizballah’s “spiritual leader:” Hizballah High.

Early yesterday, when I wrote about “All-American” Islamic Terrorists Ali Houssaiky and Osama Sabhi Abulhassan a/k/a “The Dearbornistan Boys,” I noted that both are graduates of Dearborn’s Fordson High School a/k/a “Hezbollah High.” As I wrote, Houssaiky was the star running back and co-captain of Fordson’s football team.

The school’s principal, Imad Fadlallah, is a relative of Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a Specially Designated Terrorist (SDT) on the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control terrorist list, used by the State Department. Imad Fadlallah’s wife, Susan, is the daughter of Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who was Hezbollah’s negotiator during the 1985 TWA flight 847 hijacking during which Hezbollah tortured to death Navy Diver Robert Dean Stethem. Before that, he was the head of the Shi’ite Amal Militia, which has been absorbed into Hezbollah.

Another cousin, Majed Fadlallah, is Fordson’s Assistant Principal. And the school is a virtual one-stop employment shack for many of the cousins of Hezbollah’s Sheikh Mohammed Fadlallah.

SEE ALSO: Two Arrested in Ohio for Hizballah Ties
Ali Houssaiky and Osama Abulhassan of Dearborn, Michigan, were apprehended on Tuesday in Marietta, Ohio, during a traffic stop and found carrying $11,000 in cash, 12 cell phones, airline passenger lists, and information on airport security, a spokesman for the Washington County prosecutor's office said. They are being held on charges of money laundering on behalf of Hizballah. (Reuters)

SEE ALSO: Nasrallah's Men Inside America - Dan Ephron and Michael Isikoff (Newsweek)
Hizballah has at least a small web of operatives in America who, prosecutors believe, are loyal to Hassan Nasrallah. Security officials worry that if Hizballah does one day decide to strike, it can exploit an already-existing network in this country. "You often see in these groups that people who deal in finances also have military backgrounds," says Chris Hamilton, who was the FBI's unit chief for Palestinian investigations until last year. "The fact is, they have the ability [to attack] in the United States."

The FBI has made Hizballah a central target of its counterterrorism efforts, setting up a unit dedicated to tracking the group and assigning agents to develop sources in Lebanese and other Middle Eastern communities across the country.

SEE ALSO: Hizballah Supporters Rally in Dearborn (LGF)
Daily pro-Hizballah rallies are taking place in Dearborn, Michigan: ‘Americans’ for Hezbollah. Also see Debbie Schlussel’s latest post on the Dearborn terror suspects.

SEE ALSO: Three Middle Eastern Men Found With 1000 Cell Phones.
(TV5) — Around 1:00am August 11th three men purchased cell phones from the Wal-Mart store on M-81 near the corner of M-24 in Caro. Wal-Mart places a limit on the number of cell phones that can be purchased at once, that number is three. The three men allegedly bought 80 by purchasing them three at time so that an alert wouldn’t be triggered by the cash register. They also paid cash.

An alert clerk grew suspicious and called Tuscola County central dispatch. The Caro Police Department sent a unit and stopped the rented van on M-81 just east of Caro. The suspects were headed towards Bad Axe on M-81 where there is another Super Wal-Mart.

The three men were described as being of Pakistani descent but live in Texas. Police say the three, ages 19, 22, and 23 appear to be naturalized citizens. One man was driving while the other two were in the back opening the phone packages with box cutters throwing the phones in one box, batteries in another and the packaging and phone charger in another container. The suspects had 1000 other cell phones in the van. There was also a bag of receipts showing that someone was in Wisconsin the day before.

The phones were Nokia Tracfones selling for $20 at Wal-Mart. For your twenty dollars you receive a phone charger and 40 minutes of airtime. The phones do not have to be registered with a name. Also discovered was a laptop with store addresses and store logos.

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