Monday, August 14, 2006


Hizballah: We Won't Disarm in South Lebanon
The Lebanese government, which includes two members of Hizballah, unanimously approved UN Security Council Resolution 1701 on Saturday, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said. The two Hizballah members told the cabinet that the Islamic militia has no intention of disarming south of the Litani River, about 15 miles (25 kilometers) north of the Israel-Lebanon border, a senior cabinet member said. (CNN/China Daily)

Syria Still Transferring Rockets to Hizballah - Amos Harel (Ha'aretz)
Syria continues to transfer large quantities of war materiel, including rockets, to Lebanon to assist Hizballah in its war against Israel, a senior Israel Defense Forces source said Saturday. While the air force has succeeded in partially stemming the arms transfers, intelligence shows that supply convoys have managed to cross into Lebanon from Syria. Senior Syrian army and intelligence officers are involved in the arms smuggling, and it is unlikely this continues without the explicit support of the regime in Damascus.

Australian PM: UN Security Council Resolution Not Specific Enough to Disarm Hizballah
Australian Prime Minister John Howard has said Hizballah must be disarmed if the UN truce in Lebanon is to last. Howard said the UN Security Council resolution to end hostilities was not specific enough and needed a clear authority to disarm Hizballah. Howard said he had serious concerns about whether the UN-brokered truce between Israel and Hizballah could last. French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy has said the mandate of the expanded UN force would not include disarming Hizballah. (BBC News)

Hizballah: Countdown to End of Zionist Entity Has Begun - Roee Nahmias (Ynet News)
Ahmed Barakat, a member of Hizballah's central council, told the Qatari newspaper al-Watan that "Today Arab and Muslim society is reasonably certain that the defeat of Israel is possible and that the countdown to the disappearance of the Zionist entity in the region has begun." "The triumph of the resistance is the beginning of the death of the Israeli enemy. For, if a mere organization succeeded in defeating Israel, why would Arab nations not succeed in doing so if they allied? Many Arabs and Muslims viewed Israel in a fictional way and the resistance has succeeded in changing this." Barakat further stated that Hizballah retains plenty of rockets and other "surprises" for use the day after victory. He said these would allow Hizballah to operate from afar and don't require proximity to the Israeli border.

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