Friday, August 11, 2006


Hizballah Turns Ball Bearings into WMDs - Deroy Murdock (National Review)
Many of the Hizballah missiles have warheads filled with ball bearings. Independent photojournalist Lenny Maschkowski has documented the devastation that these steel balls do. His images appear on websites, and vividly illustrate Hizballah's viciousness. "It's amazing how far these little ball bearings go," says the 44-year-old Israeli native. "They have a deadly radius of around 600 meters [some 1,950 feet]. If you are close and get hit by many ball bearings, you end up like a sieve," Maschkowski says. "If you are very far away, and you only get hit by a few, it would be like suffering bullet injuries."

See also Hizballah Ballbearing Rockets Maximize Injuries (IRIN/Reuters)

Hizballah Rockets Fall on Northern Israel Friday - Aviram Zino
Two people were injured by shrapnel and more than 12 suffered shock following three rocket barrages on Haifa on Friday. At least 16 rockets landed on the city, five of them in populated areas, causing damage. Rockets also struck three homes in the Krayot area north of Haifa. Four rockets landed Friday in the Nahariya area, one of them directly striking a home. Earlier, rockets landed in the Shlomi area and in Acre. (Ynet News)

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