Thursday, August 10, 2006


Across Northern Israel, a 24-Hour Dash to Evacuate 15,000 People - Jonathan Finer
Across northern Israel, as many as 15,000 people were to be evacuated over a 24-hour period, most to hotels or military bases outside rocket range, for the first time during the war. Residents of Kiryat Shmona, who have endured more than 600 rocket attacks, were told they had an hour to pack and dash to one of five schools serving as bus depots for transportation to a hotel in Netanya. About a third of the 24,000 residents will remain in Kiryat Shmona. (Washington Post)

See also Family Runs Risk of Rockets for a Breath of Fresh Air - Tim Butcher (Telegraph-UK)

SEE ALSO Listening to Radio a Matter of Life, Death - Abraham Rabinovich (Washington Times)
A radio station that broadcasts silence has been initiated by Israel Radio for residents in northern Israel who fear they might not hear sirens warning of a rocket attack while they are sleeping. The "silent station" is an alternative wake-up device next to their bed and breaks its silence only with announcements of impending rocket attacks, affording residents less than a minute to get to cover.

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