Friday, August 4, 2006


Three people killed, 86 hurt as rockets pound northern Israel (JPost)
Three people were killed and at least 86 more were wounded, one critically and five seriously, as rockets landed across the North on Friday. A barrage of rockets landed near Karmiel just before 6 p.m., killing two people in the villages of Majdal Krum and Dir el-Assad.


Police Warn Israelis to Stay in Shelters (AP)
Boredom can kill you. Police are warning residents of northern Israel to stay in shelters longer during Hezbollah rocket attacks because nearly all the civilians killed were struck while outdoors. But some people grow impatient after a few hours in stuffy, windowless bunkers. "It's like being in prison," said Sarah Nahum. "I go to our building shelter whenever there's an alert, but I never stay there for more than 10 minutes. I get bored and I go back home."

Four people were killed Friday when Hezbollah hammered northern Israel with some 45 rockets within 30 minutes. On Thursday, three Israelis in the coastal town of Acre were killed when they left their shelter after a rocket attack to inspect the damage, only to be hit by another barrage. They were among eight killed that day, one of the heaviest civilian death tolls since the conflict began July 12.

The second, surprise bombardment was part of a shift of tactics by Hezbollah reminiscent of Palestinian suicide bombers who have operated in pairs, with the second bomber waiting until rescue workers reach the carnage caused by the first. Hezbollah also seems to be coordinating the firing of a large number of rockets at one time, rather than launching isolated missiles.

Police urge people to stay indoors, crouch under a staircase if no thick-walled room is available, and wait for a while after the booms of rocket explosions cease.

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