Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Annan to Israel: Ask me First Israel may not shoot back without permission (Jerusalem Newswire)
If Hizb'allah breaks the ceasefire – as they already have – and shoots at Israeli citizens or population centers, territory or forces, the IDF may in most cases not respond before informing the United Nations Secretary General of the violation, and obtaining his permission to shoot back. This is the expectation of Kofi Annan, as spelled out in a letter from him to the sovereign government of the State of Israel [last] week.
UN to Israel: "File a Complaint" (LGF)
Anti-Israel UN tool Terje Roed-Larsen (lgf: search) says that if Israel discovers Hizballah smuggling arms into Lebanon, they should file a complaint through diplomatic channels: UN envoy to Livni: IDF raid near Baalbek violated cease-fire.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan views the Israel Defense Forces’ commando operation near Baalbek over the weekend as a violation of the cease-fire agreement, UN envoy Terje Roed-Larsen told Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni during their meeting in Jerusalem Monday. “If you discovered arms smuggling, you could have complained through diplomatic channels,” Larsen told Livni. “We will consider that route as well,” Livni replied with a smile.

Lebanon Sending Troops into South, Hizballah to Keep Arms ....
Hizballah Says Disarmament Not an Option


Rice: UN force won't physically disarm Hezbollah
Stand Alongside Hizballah, Lebanon's Army Tells Troops

LEAST OF ALL, THE FRENCH... The Army That Only Goes Where It's Safe

Before committing troops to the Lebanon ceasefire they championed at the United Nations, France wants safety guarantees.
Despite expectations that France would provide the bulk of a planned 15,000 strong UN force, Paris said Thursday it would send 200 troops to reinforce the UN mission in Lebanon. While it said France was prepared to command the enlarged force, it also called for safety guarantees for its soldiers before making further commitments.
Another jawdropper from French defense minister Michele Alliot-Marie:

Alliot-Marie said troop contributions to the expanded UNIFIL force should come from a great number of countries, both in Europe and the Muslim world. "What
we must absolutely avoid is giving the image of a Western world imposing peace on the Muslim world," she said.
Europe Backs Out of Lebanon Cease-Fire (LGF)
They're all backing out. None of the European countries who were so loudly calling for a cease-fire in Lebanon are willing to commit troops. They're afraid of being sitting ducks, human shields for Hizballah. And they should be: Europeans Delay Decision on Role Inside Lebanon.
PARIS, Aug. 20 — The shaky, United Nations-brokered cease-fire in Lebanon suffered another blow on Sunday when the European countries that had been called upon to provide the backbone of a peacekeeping force delayed a decision on committing troops until the mission is more clearly defined. Their reservations postponed any action on the force at least until Wednesday, when the European Union will take up the issue.

Haunted by their experiences in Bosnia in the 1990's, when their forces were unable to stop widespread ethnic killing, European governments are insisting upon clarifying the chain of command and rules of engagement before plunging into the even greater complexities of the Middle East.
"In the past, when peacekeeping missions were not properly defined, we've seen major failures,'' a spokeswoman for the French Foreign Ministry, Agnès Romatet-Espagne, said Sunday. "There are the bad memories of Bosnia. This time we want the answers beforehand, so we don't come to the problems when they have happened.''
In addition, a senior French official said, "Italy, Spain and Finland have raised the same questions as France has." Following the usual diplomatic practice, the official asked not to be identified. A spokesman for the Spanish Foreign Ministry said Spain was willing to send troops, "but the rules have to be clarified and agreed on."
Some countries, like Australia, which has placed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, have flatly refused to commit troops. "We have no intention of making any significant contribution," said a senior Australian government official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. "We don't have any confidence in it. It is not going to have the mandate to disarm Hezbollah."
BUT EVEN IF THE FRENCH AND EUROPEANS ARE BACKING OUT, ISRAEL'S ENEMIES APPEAR EAGER TO SERVE WITHT HE U.N. IN LEBANON... Israel's Enemies Part of UN Force. Among the so-called "peacekeepers" in the UN's toothless international force, supposed to guard Israel's northern border and prevent Hizballah from re-establishing itself, are two Islamic nations who do not recognize Israel's right to exist:

Israel alarm at UN force members. Israel says it would be "difficult if not inconceivable" to accept nations which do not recognise its right to exist as part of a UN force in Lebanon. Israeli UN envoy Dan Gillerman was speaking after Indonesia and Malaysia, which do not recognise Israel, pledged troops for the UN deployment.
Malaysia said Israel should have no say in the make-up of the force.

Peacekeeping Force Won't Use Force to Keep Peace (LGF)
Today Kofi Annan reassured Hizballah that they have
nothing to fear from the United Nations.

UNITED NATIONS - Secretary-General Kofi Annan appealed to U.N. member states to provide desperately needed U.N. peacekeeping troops for Lebanon and assured them the U.N. force would not "wage war" on Israel, Lebanon, or Hezbollah

"It is not expected to achieve by force what must be realized through negotiation and an internal Lebanese consensus," Annan said in a report to the U.N. Security Council on implementation of the Aug. 11 resolution calling for an end to the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict.

A key concern of many countries is whether the U.N. force will be called on to disarm Hezbollah fighters, as called for in a September 2004 U.N. resolution. They want to study the rules of engagement and concept of operations for the force, which were distributed Friday, before making a decision on troops.

Annan also urged Israel to let Hizballah rearm.

UNITED NATIONS - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged Israel on Friday to immediately lift the air and sea blockade on Lebanon so hundreds of thousands of Lebanese caught up in the 34-day Israeli-Hezbollah war can quickly receive aid.

U.N. deputy humanitarian chief Margareta Wahlstrom also told the U.N. Security Council that the enormous damage to roads and bridges leading to southern Lebanon required the immediate lifting of the blockades.

In a report to the council on implementing the U.N. resolution adopted a week ago to stop the fighting, Annan said the extensive damage "merits lifting the continuing sea and air blockade on Lebanon as soon as possible."

Kofi Annan Springs Into Action, Condemns Israel (LGF)
He's not one bit concerned that Syria and Iran are trying to rearm Hizballah as quickly as possible, but Kofi Annan says the Israeli raid in Lebanon violates the UN's meaningless truce.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said an Israeli raid in Lebanon on Saturday violated the U.N.-backed truce and made him "deeply

"The secretary-general is deeply concerned about a violation by the Israeli side of the cessation of hostilities as laid out in Security Council resolution 1701," a spokesman for Annan said in a statement posted on the U.N. Web site. "The incident involved an Israeli raid in eastern Lebanon on Saturday."

Israel said the commando attack on a Hizbollah stronghold in eastern Lebanon was defensive and was designed to disrupt weapons supplies to Hizbollah from Syria and Iran.

UN Worried About Bogus Truce (LGF)
The UN, having totally failed to assemble a credible peacekeeping force for Lebanon, now frets that the “truce” may unravel.

BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Sunday the week-old truce between Israel and Hizbollah could easily collapse, a day after it condemned an Israeli raid on the guerrillas in Lebanon as a violation. Senior U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen said the truce that halted the 34-day war had provided the Lebanese government with a good chance to extend its authority over all of the country.

Have no fear that the Lebanese government will do everything in their power to take control away from Hizballah. As soon as it is finished accusing Israel of crimes against humanity.

BEIRUT (AFP) - Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora accused Israel of committing crimes against humanity during its month-long offensive on his country.

“This is a criminal act which reflects Israel’s hatred to destroy Lebanon and its unity,” he said Sunday during a tour of Beirut’s bombed-out southern suburbs with parliament speaker Nabih Berri.

“I hope all the international media will transmit this picture to every person in the world so that it shows this criminal act, this crime against humanity that Israel has committed in this area and every region of Lebanon."

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