Friday, August 4, 2006


Mel Gibson Has Israeli Bodyguard (FoxNews)
Mel Gibson may have a problem with Jews — they’re responsible for all the wars, they’ve inflated the number of dead in the Holocaust, etc.

But Gibson likes one Jewish person a lot. His personal bodyguard for more than a decade turns out to be an Israeli. Avi Korein, 45, is a name you don’t hear very often. That’s because Korein is famous for being nearly invisible and staying in the background.

A former nightclub bouncer, Korein worked through the '80s as Bruce Willis’ muscle. He even picked up a few minor screen credits along the way. But sometime before 1996, Korein went to work for Gibson. Now Korein has his own agency, Screen International Security Services, which has done private security over the years for a lot of Hollywood stars, including Will Smith, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise.

But sources tell me that it’s Korein — who did not return calls from this column — upon whom Gibson has relied over the last decade to keep him out of trouble. It’s ironic, since Korein is Jewish. But so is Gibson’s publicist.

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