Wednesday, August 2, 2006


Hizballah Rockets Bombard Northern Israel, One Dead - Ahiya Raved (Ynet News/Reuters)
Hizballah terrorists fired at least 150 rockets across northern Israel on Wednesday, killing one person near Nahariya and wounding at least 14 others, after a two-day lull. Rockets also fell on Acre, Kiryat Shmona, Rosh Pina, Safed, and Tiberias. Hizballah has fired more than 1,700 rockets into Israel since July 12, killing at least 19 civilians and wounding hundreds.

See also Hizballah Rockets Hit Galilee Kindergarten - Hagai Einav (Ynet News)
Hizballah fired Katyusha rockets and mortars at Israeli communities in the western Galilee Tuesday night. One rocket struck an empty kindergarten.

See also Long-Range Hizballah Rocket Hits West Bank - Ali Waked (Ynet News)
Some of the long-range rockets fired at Israel by Hizballah on Wednesday fell near the Palestinian village of Pqua in the Jenin area of the West Bank, the farthest point Hizballah has managed to hit so far. A week and a half ago, an improved Fajr-5 rocket landed in Afula. A security forces examination revealed that the rockets, believed to be of Syrian origin, were fired 100 km away, from the Lebanese town of Tyre.

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