Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Lebanon Won't Disarm Hizballah - Amos Harel
Lebanon's Defense Minister Elias Murr told LBC Television, "The army is not going to the south to strip Hizballah of weapons and do the work Israel did not." "The resistance [Hizballah] is cooperating to the utmost level so that as soon as the Lebanese army arrives in the south there will be no weapons but those of the army." (Ha'aretz)

See also UNIFIL Peacekeepers Will Not Disarm Hizballah
The French commander of UNIFIL, Maj.-Gen. Alain Pellegrini, said Tuesday that his peacekeeping force will not attempt to disarm Hizballah. Dealing with Hizballah was an internal Lebanese matter, and the 15,000 UN troops to be deployed under his command would not get involved, Pellegrini said. It was up to Lebanon to deploy its army in the south and deal with the Hizballah presence. (Jerusalem Post)

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