Tuesday, August 8, 2006


New York Times Busted in Hezbollah Photo Fraud! (Gateway Pundit)

** Dead Men Walking! **

From the New York Times photo essay by Tyler Hicks on July 27, 2006 comes this unbelievable fraud!

Click photos to enlarge for detail- notice the shorts... and the hat!

Bizzyblog forwarded the "Dead Guy w/ no dust" photo this morning thinking that this guy looked pretty clean for a bomb attack!

Here is the post from this morning: The NY Times Hezbollah Photo Dust Up

An anonymous commenter put the pieces together on this Hezbollah photo fraud this afternoon:

This photo is part of a photo essay entitled "Turmoil in the Mideast" - Reports from Israel and Lebanon: Attack in Tyre" accessible through the NYT website. All of the photographs are attributed to Tyler Hicks/ The New York Times. The photograph shown on your site is photo number 6 in the array.


"Dead Guy w/ no dust" shows up with hat in photo no. 2 (right side) pointing out something to the photographer.

Image 2-

You see him again scrambling over debris in photo no. 3 and no. 4.

Image 3-

Image 4-

Finally, you see him laying dead on top of the debris with a heartbreaking caption.

Image 6- The "dead" man is sweating and holding his hat by his side!

Caption: The mayor of Tyre said that in the worst hit areas, bodies were still buried under the rubble, and he appealed to the Israelis to allow government authorities time to pull them out. (Photo Tyler Hicks The New York Times)

** Notice that he is even holding his hat next to his body with his arm!
Hat Tip
Russ (Again- Click on each picture to enlarge)

So, dead guy began his day assisting the photographer, then scrambled over debris, then fell dead. Perhaps the caption should have read "don't help - you'll end up dead".


Ace feels a "flaming skull" is appropriate for the occasion.

Michelle Malkin - (and Claire) "The Pieta"

Update: Tom Pechinski sends this article on the NYT photographer - "Hicks Shares Iraq Pics"

Update 2: Michelle Malkin has a scan of "The Pieta" picture as posted at NPR. The picture at NPR does not excuse the NYT's misrepresentation nor does it answer the other open questions about the photograph.

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