Wednesday, August 2, 2006


They're Not Prejudiced, They Hate Everyone! (WSJ-BOTW)
"Palestinians love to hate Condoleezza Rice," according to a new report from Palestinian Media Watch:

Above and beyond the steady anti-American hatred promoted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders for years, they seem to have a special penchant for hating Condoleezza Rice. Some of the attacks have included expressions of racial hatred, as in an article this week referring to Rice as a "raven" and a previous article that referred to her as "the colored . . . the dark skinned . . . the black lady." [see PMW

In another racist article attacking Condolezza Rice, the PA daily referred to her as the "black woman" [three times], the "black spinster" and continues that he even considered the term "black widow" but rejected it. Her father is called the "black clergyman" [who filled her head with Bible stories] and Colin Powell is the "black man," the "black gentleman" and even the "brave and moderate black."

PMW also reproduces a cartoon depicting Rice as pregnant with a monkey. The fetal simian-American is wearing a yarmulke, and the text is translated, "Rice speaks about birth of a new Middle East."

SEE ALSO: Palestinian Anti-Rice Feeling Peaks - Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)
Palestinian demonstrators have been directing much of their criticism toward U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Placards feature Rice as a raven preying on the corpses of children.

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