Monday, August 7, 2006


UPDATE: Reuters Dismisses Photog Over Doctored Pictures
NEW YORK Reuters admitted Sunday that it had published a doctored photograph of Beirut after an Israel strike on Saturday morning, the Israeli daily Ha'aretz reported. It said that it has fired Adnan Hajj, the Lebanese photographer who submitted the image. On Monday, it added further charges, saying he had manipulated at least one other photo -- and that all of his recent pictures had been deleted from the news agency's data base.

Reuters admits to more image manipulation (YNet)
News organization withdraws photograph of Israeli fighter jet, admits image was doctored, fires photographer. Reuters pledges 'tighter editing procedure for images of the Middle East conflict'

More Photo Fraud by Reuters (LGF)
Power Line has another almost unbelievable example of distorted, misleading photojournalism from Reuters, as two photographs taken weeks apart show the same bombed area—and each photo’s caption claims that the bombing just occurred: Reuters calls the doctor, take 2.

And here’s another example of misleading photojournalism from Reuters, at Drinking From Home: Extreme Makeover - Beirut Edition.

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