Monday, August 7, 2006


Israel Asks U.S. to Alter Draft on Lebanon - Aluf Benn
Israel Sunday asked the U.S. government to make changes in the American-French draft resolution on Lebanon: removing all mention of Shebaa Farms; making the Lebanese government explicitly responsible for preventing arms transfers to Hizballah and giving UN forces a greater role in supervising the border crossings; instituting an explicit international embargo on arms transfers to Hizballah; removing the reference to Israel's "offensive military operations." Israel claims that it is merely defending itself against Hizballah attacks. (Ha'aretz)

The U.S.-French Draft UN Resolution on Lebanon: Strengths and Weaknesses by Dore Gold
The U.S.-French draft resolution calls for a "full cessation of hostilities" by the warring parties. It demands the "immediate" halt by Hizballah of all attacks. Regarding Israel, there is also a demand for the "immediate" cessation of military operations; however, Israel is only expected to halt "offensive military operations." Not only is Hizballah treated more harshly, but implicitly Israel may continue to conduct "defensive military operations."

The draft resolution only partially addresses some of Israel's main concerns in the present conflict. Israel's abducted soldiers appear and their release is not linked to the question of Lebanese prisoners in Israel. However, the abducted soldiers are relegated to the preambular language of the draft resolution, rather than appearing in the operative language that specifies what the parties have to do.

Israel's concern with rocket proliferation in Lebanon is also addressed in the long-term proposals in the draft resolution through "an international embargo on the sale or supply of arms." This could justify a partial U.S. or Western naval blockade to look for contraband weapons similar to what the U.S. Navy maintained in the Persian Gulf in the 1990s against Iraq. There is no reference in the draft resolution to how remaining stocks of Hizballah missiles will be addressed.

The U.S.-French draft resolution envisions the adoption of a further resolution in the future, "under Chapter VII," for the deployment of a UN-mandated multi-national force. But Chapter VII is a two-edged sword. In the future, if Israel is dissatisfied with the performance of the multi-national force and feels it must conduct limited operations in Lebanese territory (from over-flight to destroying new rocket deployments), under such circumstances Israel could be charged with violating a Chapter VII resolution. Because of the severe repercussions of such a violation, the Arab bloc, with some European support, will likely call for sanctions against Israel.

The Shebaa Farms were captured by Israel from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War along with the rest of the Golan Heights; their future disposition, it has been assumed, is part of the Israeli-Syrian territorial dispute. Lebanon claimed that in 1951, Syria transferred the Shebaa Farms to Lebanon. However, no such agreement was ever deposited at the UN and Lebanese Army maps from 1961 and 1966 shows the Shebaa Farms to be inside Syria. Hizballah's claim to the Shebaa Farms has no basis in either UN resolutions or in past diplomatic documentation. Yet, by granting that the Shebaa Farms issue is a genuine dispute, the draft resolution rewards Hizballah by recognizing one of its main claims over the last six years.

SEE ALSO: Danger at the UN - Editorial (New York Sun)

SEE ALSO: Not Good Enough - Editorial (Jerusalem Post)

SEE ALSO: Saving Hizballah - Editorial
Is the United States about to blink - and allow a cease-fire to be imposed on Israel before Hizballah is fully neutralized as a long-term threat? If so, it would be a colossal mistake, boosting Iran and terrorists worldwide. No cease-fire should fail to leave the murderous band materially defanged, with most of its weaponry and infrastructure destroyed and its fighters gone from Israel's border. Let's face it: a cease-fire helps no one except Hizballah - which desperately wants a respite from Israel's ground and air attacks. If an international force is to be deployed, it must go in only after Israel finishes its job - and only with a clear mandate to keep Hizballah muzzled. (New York Post)

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