Wednesday, August 9, 2006


U.S., France Split on Lebanon Cease-Fire Resolution - Colum Lynch and Robin Wright
The U.S. and France have split over key provisions in a compromise resolution to end hostilities between Hizballah and Israel, according to European and U.S. officials. France wants to incorporate ideas from Lebanon's new proposals, particularly on deploying Lebanese troops alongside a more robust version of the UN force now in Lebanon as a means to expedite an Israeli withdrawal, and settling the status of Shebaa Farms. The U.S. thinks a strong international force needs to be in place before an Israeli withdrawal to ensure that Hizballah is not able to resume control of southern Lebanon or shoot at Israeli forces as they pull out. The Bush administration also does not want to offer more specific language on Shebaa Farms for fear it would be seen as a reward to Hizballah. (Washington Post)

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