Wednesday, August 2, 2006

VIDEOS OF U.S. PRO-HEZBOLLAH DEMOSTRATORS ATTACKING JEWS has video of Hizballah supporters in Montreal violently attacking pro-Israel demonstrators.

After having heard countless cries of “death to Israel”, “vive le Hezbollah” and once in Arabic “death to the Jews”, I addressed some of the protesters by shouting back “am Yisrael chai” (the people of Israel live) and “shalom aleichem” (peace to all). The incident then turned violent when a fanatic ran up to me suddenly, punching and strangling me quickly as I fell onto a parked car on Ste. Catherine St. As the attacker was restrained and ushered away I then yelled “Are you crazy? This is Canada, so act civilized like everyone else watching you.” The unknown assailant was then reintroduced by protest-organizers into the crowd to avoid detection by the numerous members of the media and policemen who had witnessed the assault. Other disgruntled anti-Israel protesters then attempted to enter my place of work where I sought refuge yelling “Jewish pig” and “down, down Israel” as police and bystanders sealed the entrance briefly, preventing the mob from breaking the storefront.

From Solomonia, Seva Brodsky attended the "Justice for Lebanon" Rally last Friday in Copley Square, Boston--and was assaulted and spat upon. Follow the link to Solomonia for more video and the full story on this anti-Israel event.

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