Thursday, September 28, 2006


EU Monitors to Close Egypt-Gaza Crossing Due to Continued Smuggling
The European monitors stationed at the Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have informed the Palestinian presidency of their intention to close the crossing and not resume their work due to continued violations by Palestinians of the crossings agreements, a reliable Palestinian source declared. According to the source, the EU observers complained that Hamas Palestinian Legislative Council member Marwan Abu Ras "smuggled" $1 million into Gaza in the last 48 hours against the monitors' wishes. (Ma'an News Agency-PA)

Shin Bet: Egypt Allowing Arms Smuggling- Ronny Sofer (Ynet News)
Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin told the Israeli Cabinet Wednesday that since the disengagement, some 19 tons of explosives, hundreds of rifles, and thousands of bullets have been smuggled from Egypt to Gaza. "The Egyptians know who the smugglers are and aren't taking care of them. They even received intelligence from us on the matter," he said. "We're talking about an escalation that is endangering us," Diskin said. (AP/Ha'aretz)

"There would have been a huge outcry" if the same quantity and quality of weaponry that is currently passing from Egypt to Gaza was instead moving from Syria to Hizballah, Diskin said. (Jerusalem Post)

Prime Minister: Reexamine Agreements Governing Egypt-Gaza Border - Ronny Sofer (Ynet News)
Prime Minister Olmert said Wednesday that he is "not satisfied" with the arms smuggling across the Egypt-Gaza border. "I will bring the issue of the understandings on the Philadelphi Route up with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her anticipated visit to the region. The situation necessitates us to reopen the understandings on this issue." "We definitely must deal with the smuggling issue," the prime minister said.

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