Saturday, October 14, 2006


Senior militant confirms reports terror group may target America if PA government toppled

JERUSALEM – Members of Hamas are debating whether to carry out attacks against the U.S. in the Middle East following America's support for the rival Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, according to a report yesterday in Time Magazine.

The Time report quoted several anonymous Hamas sources explaining clandestine meetings were held in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to discuss the possibility of targeting the U.S. due to its perceived "one-sided" support of Israel and reported calls for Abbas to dissolve the Hamas-led Palestinian government.

The report said the Israeli intelligence estimate is that for now Hamas will restrain from targeting the U.S., but if its government is toppled such restraint could dissipate.

Speaking openly to WorldNetDaily today, Abu Abdullah, a leader of Hamas' so-called military wing in Gaza, confirmed the Time report.

"The Americans are supporting Israel unfairly and are playing a leading role in the conspiracy against the (Hamas led) Palestinian government. All Palestinians feel a hatred toward the American government and wouldn't mind attacks [against it], but for now we are limiting our fight to Palestine," said Abu Abdullah, who is considered one of the most important operational members of Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas' declared "resistance" department.

Abu Abdullah warned WND that if the Hamas government is "toppled" with the help of the U.S. then "all options are open."

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