Thursday, October 12, 2006


Palestinian Suicide Bomber Killed Trying to Infiltrate Israel from Gaza - Hanan Greenberg
Security forces on Tuesday night killed a terrorist who tried to infiltrate Israel from the northern Gaza Strip with an explosive belt ready to be activated. The terrorist was shot shortly after crossing the border fence south of the Karni crossing. According to military sources, the incident illustrates the high motivation among terror organizations in Gaza to carry out terror attacks against Israeli targets. (Ynet News)

IDF Kills Palestinian Terrorists in Gaza - Ali Waked
Israeli forces killed five Palestinians during a raid on a weapons storage facility in Khan Yunis in Gaza on Thursday. Palestinians reported that four of those killed were Islamic Jihad operatives. Troops fired on gunmen who tried to attack them, an army spokesman said. (Ynet News)

Palestinian Rocket Fire Continues from Gaza - Shmulik Hadad
Palestinians in Gaza continued firing rockets at Israel on Thursday. Two Kassam rockets were fired at the town of Sderot, while another two rockets landed near kibbutzim in the area, police said. A facility used to store agricultural produce was damaged. (Ynet News)

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