Tuesday, October 17, 2006



Islamic Jihad came up with a new way of making sure it gets "credited" for rocket attacks on Israel: they label their rockets in Hebrew. Reuters explains:
A Reuters photograph taken on Monday showed an Israeli policeman lifting the remains of a rocket fired from Gaza at southern Israel, with Hebrew lettering identifying it as an Al-Quds 3, a rocket made by Islamic Jihad militants.

Abu Abdullah, a spokesman for Islamic Jihad's armed wing, said the Hebrew language label was intended both to threaten Israelis and "distinguish its rockets from those of other factions" such as Hamas, whose rockets are more widely known.

Islamic Jihad is not the only Palestinian faction to sign off in Hebrew in a bid to compete with Hamas. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed wing of President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, has also begun doing so.

Here's the photo:


An Israeli explosives expert holds the remains of a rocket fired from Gaza that landed near the southern Israeli town of Sderot October 16, 2006. An intense rivalry among militant groups in the Gaza Strip has taken an odd twist with some gunmen labelling rockets they fire at Israel in Hebrew to make sure they are credited with the attacks. REUTERS/Amir Cohen (ISRAEL)

So the terrorists are branding their rockets for media consumption. When did statements faxed to news agencies become passe?

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