Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Lebanon: War Could Start Again Over Shebaa Farms - Clancy Chassay (Guardian-UK)
Hizballah will resume its military campaign unless Israel withdraws from the disputed Shebaa farms area and other pockets of territory, Nabih Berri, the speaker of the Lebanese parliament, warned in an interview with the Guardian. Hizballah will remain armed and fully operational in south Lebanon, despite the newly deployed UN forces, until Israel withdraws from all Lebanese territory, and ceases its air, sea, and land violations, Berri said.

According to Wikipedia:

The Shebaa Farms is a small area of disputed ownership located at the junction of Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. ...The area is 14 km (9 miles) in length, and averages 2.5 km (2 miles) in width, coming to about 25 square km (10 square miles).

The area referred to as 'Shebaa Farms' was captured by Israel from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967, which did not involve Lebanon. Israel considers the Shebaa Farms to be part of the Golan Heights, and extended Israeli law to the region in 1981, in an action that the Security Council of the United Nations declared to be 'null and void and without international legal effect' in UN SCR 497. The controversy over the Farms first arose in 2000, as the United Nations certified that Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon was complete. Israel's annexation of the Shebaa Farms has been contested by Hezbollah (since May 2000), and advanced as a reason for its continued attacks on Israel after Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon. On a fact-finding visit to the region Terje Rød-Larsen, the UN special envoy to the Middle East, cast doubt on the validity of the assertion that the Shebaa Farms were Lebanese territory seized by Israel during the 1967 war, pointing out that Lebanon was not a party to the 1967 war and that the 1923 Anglo-French demarcation and the 1949 Armistice line clearly designated the area as Syrian territory.

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