Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Exclusive: Sharansky to quit 'unchallenging' politics (JPost)
Likud MK and former Zionist dissident, activist and minister Natan Sharansky intends to announce in upcoming days that he has decided to resign from the Knesset and quit politics, sources close to Sharansky told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday.

Sharansky set up a meeting with Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu for Wednesday to inform him that after six months of contemplation, he has decided that he no longer wants to remain in the Knesset. He is expected to submit his resignation on Sunday.....

Following his resignation, Sharansky is expected to return to the Shalem Center, where he served as a "distinguished fellow" when he was neither an MK nor a minister from May 2005 to March 2006. He is likely to return to writing a book about nation states that is intended as a follow-up to his best-seller, The Case for Democracy, which has become part of the doctrine of US President George W. Bush.

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