Friday, November 3, 2006


Hezbollah Admits Iranian Financing (NYSun)
"A senior Hezbollah official has told the BBC that Iran is providing the group with money to help fund its reconstruction activities in Lebanon," the BBC reports.

Kassam Allaik said Iran also had its own groups in Lebanon, rebuilding bridges, roads and mosques. Lebanon's Finance Minister, Jihad Azour, also acknowledged that Iranian money is going directly to Hezbollah.
The news that Iran is funding Hezbollah comes as no surprise except to the few who believe the theocrat's past denials. But what is news is that international efforts to cut Hezbollah's funding has failed.

It's also a reminder that removing the theocrats in Tehran won't only solve the "radical Islamists acquiring nukes" problem. It'll also end Hezbollah's dominance in Lebanon -- without cash they won't be able to maintain their terrorist activities against Israel nor their rule of the south of Lebanon, and without cash they won't be able to maintain their social welfare network which effectively buys them votes. This is especially relevant now as America is warning that Hezbollah is trying to topple the Lebanese government.

Dealing with the mullahs will also help toward stabilizing Iraq. As they're doing in Lebanon, the mullahs are financing radical Shiite groups in Iraq -- preventing peace and democracy from taking hold.

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