Monday, November 6, 2006


IDF Operation in Gaza Targets Rocket Crews - Hanan Greenberg
As the IDF operation in Gaza continued, army officials have expressed satisfaction with the results so far. At least seven Kassam rocket cells were hit in the course of, or immediately following, launching rockets at Israel. An IDF Southern Command officer said, "We notice that Kassam launchers are moving southward, to less effective areas, and this stems from our activity." A senior IDF officer said that the operation had severely damaged Hamas' Kassam-launching infrastructure in northern Gaza, particularly in the areas of production and transportation. (Ynet News)

SEE ALSO: Nine Rockets Fired by Palestinians Hit Israel Sunday - Shmulik Hadad
Palestinians fired four rockets on Sunday evening from the northern Gaza Strip toward Israel. One rocket landed near Kibbutz Erez, and one man was hurt by shrapnel. Two rockets landed near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai. Earlier Sunday, five Kassam rockets landed in the western Negev, with one rocket landing dozens of meters from Sderot's outdoor market. (Ynet News)

See also Seven Rockets Fired by Palestinians Hit Israel Saturday - Shmulik Haddad
Palestinians in Gaza fired seven Kassam rockets at Israel on Saturday. Six rockets landed in open fields, while a seventh scored a direct hit on a house. (Ynet News)

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