Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Reading Hitler's Lips (NYSun)
"New computer software that can read lips at almost any angle has helped make sense of one of the Second World War's lingering mysteries -- Hitler's home movies," the Daily Telegraph reports.

The technology allows the dialogue to be dubbed on to the silent films, many of them made by Eva Braun at Hitler's mountain retreat, the Berghof. With the new soundtrack, Hitler can be heard encouraging young children towards a life in the military, criticising even his closest henchmen and flirting with Braun ...

Film shot towards the end of the war shows Hitler complaining about tremors in his arm, giving more credence to the theory that he was suffering from Parkinson's Disease. What also becomes clear is that Hitler did not hold back from criticising his inner circle. He is scathing about Himmler's enthusiasm for archaeological digs to establish the origins of the Aryan race but reserved his bitchiest remark for Goering. "I looked at him across the dining table and then I knew that what they say was true," he says, "that pigs eat the flesh of their own."

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