Monday, December 11, 2006


Palestinian Gunmen Kill PA Official's Children at Gaza City School
Palestinian gunmen killed three sons of a Palestinian intelligence chief loyal to PA Chairman Abbas in Gaza on Monday after shooting at a car dropping the children off at an elementary school, police and hospital officials said. An adult bystander was also killed. (Reuters/Ha'aretz)

See also Armed Mourners Storm Gaza Parliament Compound
Mourners firing automatic weapons stormed into the compound of the Palestinian parliament in Gaza on Monday during a funeral procession for three boys who were earlier shot dead by unidentified gunmen. (Reuters)

See also PA Police in Gaza March on Parliament
On Saturday, more than 2,500 members of the PA security forces, many loyal to Abbas' Fatah movement, marched on the parliament building in Gaza City, firing in the air. The marchers alleged that Hamas was paying its own militia while neglecting the members of the regular security forces. (AP/Jerusalem Post)

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